Kelakam | Business Directory | The Company Check
Looking for local businesses in Kelakam? Check out The Company Check directory for the latest listings. Page 1-50 has it all.
Total Company: 4
Location Kelakam, Kerala, India
Mary Matha Stone Crusher Private Limited is engaged in the business to purchase, acquire, lime stone, granite, including setting, mining, cutting, trade or business of preparing, tiles and other building material and color stones of every description and types, exporting, polishing, buying, treating, take on lease and work and to establish and carry on all or any industry, importing, sand stone, slabs, processing, selling or otherwise dealing in all types of marble, processing, trading or dealing into waste and by-products arising from the mining or processing of marbles and color stones.
Location Kelakam, Kerala, India
Service Business Services Information Technology
Eljo Services Private Limited is engaged in the business of providing Remote Business Management Services (RBMS) and IT solutions.