Kolhapur | Business Directory | The Company Check
Looking for local businesses in Kolhapur? Check out The Company Check directory for the latest listings. Page 1101-1150 has it all.
Total Company: 4511
Location Kolhapur, Maharashtra, India
Wood Home Appliances Engineering
Burgeon Industries Private Limited is engaged in the business to manufacture, domestic, export, retail, steel furniture, decorative furniture, develop, designed furniture, modify and to deal in all descriptions, office furniture, shapes, fancy furniture, design, supply, wholesale, import, buy, hospital and clinic furniture, office and general furniture, produce, bathroom fittings, models, repair, computer furniture, dimensions, furniture accessories, moulded furniture, polishing and varnishing services, sizes, household and kitchen furniture, sell, renovate, wooden furniture and fittings, and other allied goods and to do all incidental acts and things necessary for the achievement of the above objects.
Location Kolhapur, Maharashtra, India
Location Kolhapur, Maharashtra, India
Anirudh Agrotech Private Limited is engaged in the business of agriculture activities.
Location Kolhapur, Maharashtra, India
Rangoli Particle Boards Private Limited is engaged in manufacturing and selling of laminated particle boards.
Location Kolhapur, Maharashtra, India
Agriculture Business Services Food And Beverages
Hartlyn Dairies Private Limited is engaged in the business of dairy food processing, distribution, export, sale, purchase, import, and marketing of dairy food products and to engage in the food related activities.
Location Kolhapur, Maharashtra, India
Musical Instruments Metal & Minerals Ceramics Construction Material Renewable Energy
Pertinent Infra And Energy Limited was earlier known as Maharashtra Prestressed Pipes Limited, The company is engaged in the generation of power using wind energy.
Location Kolhapur, Maharashtra, India
Ghatge Logistics Private Limited was earlier known as Ghatge Patil Engineering Private Limited, The company is engaged in providing logistics services.
Location Kolhapur, Maharashtra, India
Trading Professional Services Automobile
Konduskar Auto Centre Private Limited is engaged in the business of automobiles.
Location Kolhapur, Maharashtra, India
Kolhapur Stud Farm Pvt Ltd is engaged in the business of planting, cultivation and fertilization and trading of milk, sale of live animals.