Lajpat Nagar Ii | Business Directory | The Company Check
Looking for local businesses in Lajpat Nagar Ii? Check out The Company Check directory for the latest listings. Page 1-50 has it all.
Total Company: 6
Location Lajpat Nagar Ii, Delhi, India
Trading Equipment & Machinery Appreal & Fashion
Amw Lifestyle Private Limited is engaged in the business of civil engineering works.
Location Lajpat Nagar Ii, Delhi, India
Trinayan Homes Private Limited is engaged in the business to purchase, erect, commercial, sell, social, construct, designs, furnish industrial, rural or urban townships and to carry on the business of real estate developers and colonisers and to prepare estimates, own, residential, develop, let out or dispose off or give on rent of any tenure or interest therein and to develop, plans and specifications for such purposes.
Location Lajpat Nagar Ii, Delhi, India
Trinayan Infrastructures Private Limited is engaged in the business to purchase, let out or dispose off or give on rent lands of any tenure or interest therein and to develop, construct and furnish industrial, sell, commercial, social, designs, rural townships and to carry on the business of real estate developers and colonizers and to prepare, own, erect, plans, residential, develop, estimate, and specifications of such purposes.
Location Lajpat Nagar Ii, Delhi, India
Professional Services Real Estate Chemicals
Sham Colourchem Private Limited is engaged in real estate.
Location Lajpat Nagar Ii, Delhi, India
Information Technology Online Services
Brainwires Infotech Private Limited is engaged in the business of providing services related to computer (includes parts and accessories), business or financial analysis, training centre, web support back office, mobile and other related items like printers, customer relationship management, technical support, repairing, inventory management, accounting, online remote support, whether online or offline within India and across the world to individuals and other organizations and this includes those process or subprocesses that are enabled by information technology and it also includes call center services (including inbound and outbound) of all kinds, online access for repairing, payroll, web support back office, managed data centre, fax, managed technical centre, scanners, and enterprises resources planning.