Madurai | Business Directory | The Company Check
Looking for local businesses in Madurai? Check out The Company Check directory for the latest listings. Page 1601-1650 has it all.
Total Company: 2760
Location Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India
Animal Husbandry Food And Beverages
Thirupparankundram Farmers Producer Company Limited is engaged in providing non-specialized store retail trade services.
Location Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India
Non-Profit Organizations Other Industry
Conso Subahparivar Forum is engaged in the business of trading shares and securities.
Location Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India
Service Information Technology Financial Services
Accupayd Tech Private Limited was earlier known as Accupayd Private Limited, it was formed to operate the business of providing technology services and products including various web services, internet products, building software applications and technology applications for computers, development and marketing of business management software, mobile phones and other devices and related activities by various modes including by the use of IT and its applications both in India and overseas.
Location Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India
Jayabharath Housing Private Limited is engaged in the business as builders and contractors for construction of commercial complex, roads, gardens and pleasure gardens and all sorts of contracts for local, residential flats, reservoirs, powerhouses, central authorities, universities or for any other person, canals, channels, dams, siphons, tunnels, hydel projects, culverts, bridges, buildings, railways, hotels, factories, tanks, drains, municipal, houses, state, government departments, firms or companies in India or abroad.
Location Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India
Trading Business Services Healthcare
Menstruaid Innovations Private Limited is engaged in the business of propagation and creation of awareness, promotion and selling of products and services that help to improve the menstrual health outcomes of females.
Location Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India
Ace Latex And Steel Private Limited is engaged in the business of manufacturing, fabricating, processing and trading in rubber (latex), steel and other related materials and to carry on the business of manufacturing rubber and steel processing machinery, tools and other accessories.
Location Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India
Business Services Other Industry
Enchosys Enterprise (Opc) Private Limited is engaged in the business as to enter into and execute agreements, associations, partnerships, deeds and arrangements for setting up strategic business alliances, memorandum of understandings, joint ventures and tie-ups with other parties, for providing services in the field of traditional goods for fulfillment of the main objects.
Location Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India
Peraiyur Farmers Producer Company Limited is engaged in the trading of small millets and also engaged in the business of other services necessary for agriculture production.
Location Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India
Hotel Blue Lines Private Limited is engaged in the business of operating hotel and restaurant.