Nanded | Business Directory | The Company Check
Looking for local businesses in Nanded? Check out The Company Check directory for the latest listings. Page 951-1000 has it all.
Total Company: 1555
Location Nanded, Maharashtra, India
Business Services Construction
Rajhans Clusters Private Limited is engaged in the business to initiate, non-store formats, agricultural input and extension centers, speciality stores, distribution centers, acquire, collection centers, establish, farms, plantations, storage tanks and offices, marketing terminals, run, pumps, operate and manage business centres, super markets, departmental stores, shopping malls, terminals, discount stores, commodity exchanges, maintain, depots, mandis, construct, convenience stores, wholesale, shopping outlets, set up, cash and carry operations, warehouses, showrooms, hyper markets, estates, any or all of them within or outside India.
Location Nanded, Maharashtra, India
Dejaan Casuals Private Limited is engaged in the business of manufacturers, exporters, women, woolen and cotton fabrics and other products including dressing and furnishing materials, importers, uniforms, yarn, kids, and also to deal in silk, sellers, buyers, art silk, dealers and franchises of ready made garments for men, hosiery gloves, synthetic, other textile goods and related activities and also to open new branches all over the India for above mentioned activities.
Location Nanded, Maharashtra, India
Food And Beverages Agriculture
Phoenix Krishi Products And Allied Industries Limited was earlier known as Terna Sugar And Allied Industries Limited, it is engaged in the business of production and trading of agriculture products.
Location Nanded, Maharashtra, India
Nandigram Hospital Private Limited is engaged in the business to run, manage, nursing center, scan center, maternity homes, own, dispensaries, child welfare and family planning center, health center, oxygen and blood booths, medical shops and drugs store, X-ray and EGC clinics, diagnostic center, polyclinics, clinics, administer hospital, clinical-pathological testing laboratories, medical and paramedical education institution in India and aboard.