North Paravur | Business Directory | The Company Check
Looking for local businesses in North Paravur? Check out The Company Check directory for the latest listings. Page 1-50 has it all.
Total Company: 13
Location North Paravur, Kerala, India
Hospitality & Wellness Food And Beverages
Clouds By Nosh Haus Private Limited is engaged in the business of trading cotton bales.
Location North Paravur, Kerala, India
Equipment & Machinery Chemicals
Ogi International Private Limited is engaged in the business of refine, wholesale and retail distribution, trading, export, gas, transports or otherwise deal in oils, petroleum and petroleum products, manufacture, process, fuel, packing, import, intermediates and derivatives thereof and to act as dealers and distributors for petroleum products.
Location North Paravur, Kerala, India
Financial Services Business Services
F-Zone Forex And Travels Private Limited is engaged in the business of forex transactions for the purpose of transportation and travel.
Location North Paravur, Kerala, India
Business Services Professional Services
Tailoremade Manpower Recruiting Private Limited is engaged in the business of providing manpower placement, student visa services, middle management staff, selecting, junior-level staff, manpower consultancy and recruiting, organizations, individuals, training and employment of all types of executives, government departments, immigration-related services, laborers, interviewing, whether skilled/unskilled as required by various industries, workers, charitable organizations and to conduct employment bureau and to provide consultancy and other services in connection with requirements for persons in India and abroad.
Location North Paravur, Kerala, India
Smartmatrix Global Technologies Private Limited is engaged in the business of developing, designing, marketing, selling games based on the algorithm which is necessary to run this game, and deliver the same to the end users.
Location North Paravur, Kerala, India
Chemicals Pharmaceuticals Healthcare
V C Pharmaceuticals (India) Private Limited is engaged in manufacturing and selling of all types of drugs, pharmaceuticals and medicines.