Oragadam | Business Directory | The Company Check
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Total Company: 11
Location Oragadam, Tamil Nadu, India
Musical Instruments Business Services Automobile
Vaahan Auto Components Private Limited is engaged in the business of manufacture, main assemblies, sub-assemblies, sheet metal components for automotive and any other applications, sell, assembling, buy, wheel and tyre assemblies, fabricate and assemble, job works for machining, import, export, distribute and deal in automotive steel and alloy wheel rims for any kind of vehicles, fabrications, inspection and maintenance.
Location Oragadam, Tamil Nadu, India
Cubic Modular System India Private Limited was earlier known as Ruso Modular System India Private Limited, it was formed to operate the business of manufacturing, assembling, and dealing in all types of versatile modular constructed and customized components, electric components and other similar products for various industries and providing technical support, designing, enclosures used for electrical switchboards, any allied and after-sales services and support services.
Location Oragadam, Tamil Nadu, India
Sancraft Industries Private Limited is engaged in plastic mold manufacturing and injection molding.
Location Oragadam, Tamil Nadu, India
Transportation Business Services Engineering Logistics
Alphaprime Engineering Private Limited was earlier known as Alphaprime Logistics & Engineering Private Limited, it is engaged in the business of providing engineering and logistics solutions in Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh(Sri-city) and Pondicherry.
Location Oragadam, Tamil Nadu, India
Cape Electric Private Limited is engaged in the business of manufacturing, enclosures, capacitors, accessories, spares for wind turbine generators, and trading of electrical devices, marketing, panel boards, distribution boxes for solar and industrial application, and copper coated earthing rods.
Location Oragadam, Tamil Nadu, India
Metal & Minerals Business Services Automobile
Nippon Steel Chemical & Material India Private Limited was earlier known as Nippon Steel And Sumikin Materials India Private Limited, it was formed to operate the business as manufacturers, liquid crystal panels, exporters, sellers, suppliers and otherwise deal in any manner in electronics industry materials and components for semiconductors, importers, buyers, and various electronic devices.
Location Oragadam, Tamil Nadu, India
Polymatech Electronics Private Limited. is engaged in the business of providing LED lightings.
Location Oragadam, Tamil Nadu, India
Real Estate Service Electrnoics Electrical Information Technology Engineering
Sanmina-Sci Technology India Private Limited is engaged in the business of providing ITeS / BPO services and design engineering services.
Location Oragadam, Tamil Nadu, India
Sanmina-Sci India Private Limited is engaged in the business of providing of electronics manufacturing services (EMS) to original equipment manufacturers (OEM) - including transmission equipment, point of sale equipment and other electronic equipment.