Pallikaranai | Business Directory | The Company Check
Looking for local businesses in Pallikaranai? Check out The Company Check directory for the latest listings. Page 1-50 has it all.
Total Company: 12
Location Pallikaranai, Tamil Nadu, India
Adrika Aura Private Limited is engaged in construction of residential building.
Location Pallikaranai, Tamil Nadu, India
Professional Services Business Services
Successtamizhan Management Private Limited is engaged in the business of management consultants and advisors and to provide management services in all forms and aspects of trade and industry, cost control, team building, and any other related activity, corporate communications, society, information technology and knowledge management, without limitation, strategic and operational planning, change processes, advertisement, productivity, corporate management, bodies corporate, including, institution or any association of persons or any individual, undertaking, profitability, human resource development, manpower planning, problem-solving, governments, to companies, recruitment of managerial personnel, central or state, marketing, municipal or local authority, whether in India or abroad.
Location Pallikaranai, Tamil Nadu, India
Electrnoics Food And Beverages Chemicals
Kian Pure Private Limited is engaged in the business to manufacture, import, biological, frozen foods, and/or retail trade all kinds of ayurvedic health foods, export, healthcare and dietary supplement products, develop, packaged foods, drugs, medicines, and pharmaceuticals, antibiotics, refine, process, food supplements, formulate, wrath supplements, among others.
Location Pallikaranai, Tamil Nadu, India
Estrenar Digital Technologies Private Limited is engaged in the business of providing consultancy services.
Location Pallikaranai, Tamil Nadu, India
Information Technology Software
Mahiyoo Technologies And Consulting Private Limited is engaged in the business to buy, install, export, import, develop, manually or with the aid of computers and other gadgets, license, produce, manufacture, devices and contrivances in any script or language and on any subject whether in print, disc, duplicate, establish or render services and consultation or otherwise deal in and carry on the business of creative design, film, desk-top publishing, in India and abroad, software development and related services in connection with out-sourced works and jobs of every kind for clients and customers, sell, electronic or other media and to provide support services in all aspects.
Location Pallikaranai, Tamil Nadu, India
Professional Services Financial Services
Murugan Capital Private Limited is engaged in the business of trading computers and packaged software.
Location Pallikaranai, Tamil Nadu, India
Professional Services Information Technology Engineering
Ros Engineering Private Limited is engaged in the business of providing engineering services including plant engineering, product design, and product development services.
Location Pallikaranai, Tamil Nadu, India
Sysmedac Technologies India Private Limited is engaged in the business of providing IT consulting services.