Pampore | Business Directory | The Company Check

Looking for local businesses in Pampore? Check out The Company Check directory for the latest listings. Page 1-50 has it all.

  • Mir Kings Industries Private Limited

    Location Pampore, Jammu And Kashmir, India

    Metal & Minerals Fabrication

    Mir Kings Industries Private Limited is engaged in the business of manufacturing, wrought iron, buying selling, export, ferrous non-ferrous metals, iron and steel foundries in all or any of their respective branches, ferroalloys, iron sheets, patti, pig iron, smelters, MS Ingots, steel converts, engineers, pipes channels, coated and allied items of various sizes and specifications, import and otherwise deal in steel pipes and tubes both MS and galvanized, steel products, miners, steels, metallurgical prospectus, angle, alloys steels, rolled steel makers, explorers, agents and to establish workshops required for any of the industries.

  • Mir Steel Rolling Mills Private Limited

    Location Pampore, Jammu And Kashmir, India

    Metal & Minerals Fabrication

    Mir Steel Rolling Mills Private Limited is engaged in the business of steel manufacturing and trading, ferrous non-ferrous metals, angle, buying selling, engineers, export, iron and steel foundries in all or any of their respective branches, channels, steel converts, MS billets, iron sheets, import and otherwise deal in steel, smelters, patti, metallurgical prospectus, miners, steel products, ferroalloys, channels, TMT steel bars, pig iron, MS angle, GI pipes, alloys steels, MS ingots, rolled steelmakers, explorers, wrought iron, MS pipe, agents and to establish workshops required for any of the industries.