Rishra | Business Directory | The Company Check
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Total Company: 47
Location Rishra, West Bengal, India
Hospitality & Wellness Tourism And Accommodation
Revellerz Private Limited is engaged in the business of running restaurants.
Location Rishra, West Bengal, India
Anumans Constructions Private Limited is engaged in the construction of the residential building and also does the job of contractor, infrastructure developers, builder, town planners, estate developers and engineers land developers and civil works.
Location Rishra, West Bengal, India
Musical Instruments Textile Appreal & Fashion
Lakhotia Texpro Private Limited is engaged in developing and constructing houses and also provides recruitment services.
Location Rishra, West Bengal, India
Sms Vanijya Private Limited is engaged in the business of providing packaging services for goods.
Location Rishra, West Bengal, India
Plastics Equipment & Machinery
Photon Polytech Private Limited is engaged in manufacturing parts that are used in the textile production machineries.
Location Rishra, West Bengal, India
Trading Other Industry Electrnoics
Vishnudham Agencies Private Limited is engaged in the trading of electronic goods.
Location Rishra, West Bengal, India
Business Services Education & Learing
South Melior School was earlier known as South Melior School Private Limited, it is engaged in the business of providing primary education services at first level.
Location Rishra, West Bengal, India
Maharaja Carriers Private Limited is engaged in the business of providing transportation services.
Location Rishra, West Bengal, India
Raathi Plastic Private Limited is engaged in the business of manufacturing of plastic.
Location Rishra, West Bengal, India
Park Medicare Centre Private Limited is engaged in the business of providing healthcare services (diagnostic services).
Location Rishra, West Bengal, India
Food And Beverages Metal & Minerals Chemicals
Edcons (Mks) Castings Pvt Ltd is engaged in the business of producing all grades of gray and ductile iron castings.
Location Rishra, West Bengal, India
Construction Business Services
Amar Tie-Up Private Limited is engaged in the business of construction of buildings.
Location Rishra, West Bengal, India
Dankuni Properties Private Limited is engaged in the business of real estate developer, entertainment centers, altering, multiplex complexes, furnishing and maintaining hotels, building and hereditaments of any tenure or description including agricultural land, mines, rooms flats, improving, real estate marketing agents, decorating, quarries, clubhouses, reconstructing, groves, orchards, plantations and any estate or interest therein and any right over or connected with land and buildings so situated and develop or to turn the same to account as may seem expedient and in particular by preparing building sites and by constructing, lease, to acquire by purchase, exchange, resorts, convention halls, gardens, exhibition centers, farms, tea or coffee gardens, hire or otherwise and develop or operate land, and many more.
Location Rishra, West Bengal, India
Musical Instruments Packaging Wood Handicrafts
Ambikashree Packing Private Limited is engaged in the business to manufacturing of wooden products with different classes of wood for the purpose of industrial as well as domestic use.
Location Rishra, West Bengal, India
Elwin Vyapaar Pvt.Ltd. is engaged in the business of weaving textiles.
Location Rishra, West Bengal, India
Trading Other Industry Agriculture
Unicrop Agritrade Private Limited is engaged in the business of trading grains, oleaginous fruits, oil seeds, seeds, and animal feed.
Location Rishra, West Bengal, India
Shree Ambika Wood Creation Private Limited is engaged in the trading of wood in raw form.
Location Rishra, West Bengal, India
Information Technology Software
Gruppent Solutions Private Limited is engaged in providing remote offshore service including seaward contact focus services.