Royapettah | Business Directory | The Company Check
Looking for local businesses in Royapettah? Check out The Company Check directory for the latest listings. Page 1-50 has it all.
Total Company: 7
Location Royapettah, Tamil Nadu, India
Kangaroo Stays Private Limited is engaged in the business of paying guest accommodation facilities, sport, laundries, baths, dressing room, reading, writing and newspaper rooms, libraries, grounds and places of amusements and recreation, entertainment and apartment-house proprietors.
Location Royapettah, Tamil Nadu, India
Business Services Broadcasting
Kadhir Broadcasting Private Limited is engaged in the business of OTT (Over The Top), terrestrial television, in-flight entertainment, mobile rights, web TV, surface transport entertainment, SVOD, CD-ROM software, cable pay television rights, pagers, satellite, mobile phones, pay per view, cable, publishing, Virtual Multichannel Video-Programming Distribution (VMVPD), pat television, TVOD, advertising, live streaming, multimedia, Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR), Direct To User (DTU), video cassette, satellite pay television, broadcasting through all telecommunication systems including telephones, theatrical and non theatrical, IPTV, blue ray, FVOD, internet, laser disc, terrestrial pay television, NVOD, EST, Video On Demand (VOD), DVD/VCD, personal handheld devices broadband, electronic merchandise.
Location Royapettah, Tamil Nadu, India
Shanti Theatres Private Limited is engaged in the business of distribution of films and motion pictures, sell, export or otherwise deal in cinematographic films, buy, television films, to produce, video films, import, and video cassettes.
Location Royapettah, Tamil Nadu, India
Information Technology Software
Dicetek Solutions India Private Limited is engaged in the business to provide electronic commerce applications, call centers, research, telecommunication engineering, information technology-enabled services, and training in IT and human resources services including HR management consultancy services.