Sangli | Business Directory | The Company Check
Looking for local businesses in Sangli? Check out The Company Check directory for the latest listings. Page 1451-1500 has it all.
Total Company: 2192
Location Sangli, Maharashtra, India
Tekno Corrugators Private Limited is engaged in manufacturing and supplying of corrugated boxes, paper, and paperboard.
Location Sangli, Maharashtra, India
Pranav Corrugation Private Limited is engaged in the business of corrugation.
Location Sangli, Maharashtra, India
Harekrishna Cold Storage Private Limited is engaged in the business of providing meal serving services with full restaurant services this includes services provided by restaurants, cafes and similar eating facilities.
Location Sangli, Maharashtra, India
Martand Natural Sweeteners Limited was earlier known as Martand Natural Sweeteners Private Limited, The company is engaged in manufacturing of Khand sugar.
Location Sangli, Maharashtra, India
Shri Vishaweshwar Cold Storage Private Limited is engaged in the business of providing warehousing and transportation support services.
Location Sangli, Maharashtra, India
Non-Profit Organizations Healthcare
Jnp Healthcare Private Limited is engaged in the business to own, laboratories and to apply or provide utility articles and services to patients, blood bank service centers, health centers, diagnostic centers, rehabilitation centers, and maintain, nursing homes, polyclinics, research centers, hospitals, immunization centers, medical and other research centers, run, clinics, establish, manage, attendants and others and to provide aids to medical personnel for research and development and to act and work as consultants in medical profession in India and abroad.