Supaul | Business Directory | The Company Check
Looking for local businesses in Supaul? Check out The Company Check directory for the latest listings. Page 151-200 has it all.
Total Company: 197
Location Supaul, Bihar, India
Devkrishna Engicons Private Limited is engaged in the business of lay out, develop, re-model, docks, erect, project execution and to undertake all types of civil and mechanical construction work in connection with any building, roads (national and state highways), canals, construct, wells, bridges (miner bridge), build, demolish re-erect, power plants, ships sewers, alter, fabricate, springs, wharves and ports.
Location Supaul, Bihar, India
Koshi Rajma Farmers Producer Company Limited is engaged in the business of growing of vegetables, horticultural specialties, and nursery products.
Location Supaul, Bihar, India
Aishwarya Laxmi Agromart Private Limited is engaged in the business of activities related to agriculture, meats, bottle, poultry, and run milling of all kinds of grains, rice, its storage and to deal in all kind of agricultural produce and to carry on the business of import and export of agricultural produce in India or outside India and to carry on in India or elsewhere the business to present, process, pulse, prepare, and flour mill and to all other acts and things necessary for the attainment of the foregoing objects and manufacture, buy, refine, commercialize, can, vegetables, preserve, egg, sell and deal whether as wholesalers or retailers or as exporters or importers or as principals or agents in foods, produce, canned and many more.
Location Supaul, Bihar, India
Agriculture Food And Beverages
Sakshi Priya Agro Industries Private Limited is engaged in rice processing activities.