Ujjain | Business Directory | The Company Check
Looking for local businesses in Ujjain? Check out The Company Check directory for the latest listings. Page 801-850 has it all.
Total Company: 803
Location Ujjain, Madhya Pradesh, India
Financial Services Real Estate Service
Samruddhi Swastik Trading And Investments Limited was earlier known as Nkb Trading And Investments Limited, it was formed to operate the business of investment company and to invest in and to hold, sell and deal with the stocks, bonds, shares, purchase, and obligations.
Location Ujjain, Madhya Pradesh, India
Location Ujjain, Madhya Pradesh, India
Mahakal Institute Of Technology Private Limited is engaged in the business of producing, cookies, bread, seafoods, bakery products, pickles, and diet drinks, biscuits, pastries, cakes, candies, packaging, health, preserved foods, canned foods, wafers, fast foods, packed foods, and delivery of food products, sweets, spices and to deal in ready to serve foods and food specialties.
Location Ujjain, Madhya Pradesh, India
Trading Oil & Gas Metal & Minerals
Hanisch Bio Fuels Industry Private Limited is engaged in the business of manufacturing, distributing, bio-diesel, buying, diesel, gas and other motive power necessary or required for motors and other vehicles, importing, coal, natural coal, coal tar, exporting, jatropha oil made out of jatropha seeds, kerosene, coke and other cokes, carbon, lubricants, pyrolysis oil made out of plastic waste and its alternatives, carbonate-chloride processing by chemicals, spirit, special smokeless fuel and its by-products derived from coal and allied substances, marketing, mixing and dealing in all kinds of petro products like ; petrol, selling, pitches, petrochemicals and to prepare in all varieties and sizes and in all organic components.
Location Ujjain, Madhya Pradesh, India
Tourism And Accommodation Hospitality & Wellness
Shivashish Hotel & Resorts Private Limited is engaged in the business of hotel, licensee, brewers, tavern, bakery, beer and spirit merchant, ice creams, wine, pub and cheques, resorts, cafe, licensed distilleries, mineral and artificial waters, ice merchants, beer bars, refreshment rooms and lodging, confectionery and other drinks, restaurants, caterers, refreshment contractors, motel, purveyors, canning and diary farm, sweets, frozen foods, importer and brokers of foods, among others.
Location Ujjain, Madhya Pradesh, India
Formax Forex India Private Limited is engaged in the business of dealers or agents in foreign exchange or to act as a full-fledged money changer and/or to provided consultancy in the field of foreign exchange management, any other negotiable instruments, instruments, operate and transact in foreign currencies and/or exchange by maintaining foreign currency bank accounts or otherwise, notes, bonds, money transfer agent, cards (pre-paid, subject to the approval of the Reserve Bank of India and other competent authorities, cards (pre-paid, dealers, hold and trade on the movements of foreign currencies on behalf of customers or otherwise, foreign currency notes/ coins or travellersÕs, cheques, and to issue or act as agents for travellersÕs, cheques, credit or debit), wherever necessary; to take positions, buyers and sellers of all foreign exchange in the form of currencies, credit or debit), to hold, phone cards and all instruments in any currency.
Location Ujjain, Madhya Pradesh, India
Primus Chemicals Limited is engaged in manufacturing and trading of chemicals, dyes, pharma intermediates, intermediates, drugs and petrochemicals.
Location Ujjain, Madhya Pradesh, India
Dash Paper Plast Private Limited is engaged in manufacturing of plastic products.