Uttam Nagar, West Delhi | Business Directory | The Company Check
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Total Company: 146
Location Uttam Nagar, West Delhi, Delhi, India
Grossventures Private Limited is engaged in the business of sale, nutrition supplements, fashion and lifestyle accessories and any other related product including but not limited to specialized services and membership into fitness gymnasiums, importing, cosmetics, and nutrition classes and contests through all mediums of trade including but not limited to e-commerce sale and purchase of in-house developed e-commerce web portals, trading, garments, nutrition, accessories, exporting and also including activities like manufacturing or any other mode of business dealing into health, yoga centers, sport physio-therapies, fitness and sports apparels, purchase, health and sports counseling or coachingÕs, slimming and spa centers, mobile applications and also third-party developed and managed e-commerce web aggregators.