Uttar Pardesh | Business Directory | The Company Check
Looking for local businesses in Uttar Pardesh? Check out The Company Check directory for the latest listings. Page 1-50 has it all.
Total Company: 11
Location Uttar Pardesh, Uttar Pradesh, India
Warehousing Food And Beverages
Laxmi Foods And Storages Private Limited was earlier known as Laxmi Cold Storage And Ice Factory Private Limited, The company is engaged in operating a cold storage for potatoes and a milk chilling unit.
Location Uttar Pardesh, Uttar Pradesh, India
Research & Development Software
Unknowns Lab Private Limited is engaged in the business of software designing, host (in data centerÕs, or over the web) or otherwise deal in own and third party computer software packages, social media marketing, web promotion, programs and solutions, distribute, purchase, maintenance, and to, designing, customization, developing and dealing in computer software and solutions, implementation, development, e-commerce website development, testing and benchmarking, sell, and others.
Location Uttar Pardesh, Uttar Pradesh, India
Shree Mahavir Iron Industries Private Limited is engaged in the business of manufacturing steel and iron.
Location Uttar Pardesh, Uttar Pradesh, India
Trading Chemicals Pharmaceuticals
Eshar Healthcare Private Limited is engaged in the business of pharmaceutical trading.
Location Uttar Pardesh, Uttar Pradesh, India
Electrical Electrnoics Home Appliances Industrial Manufacturing
Mechocean Machines India Private Limited is engaged in the business of manufacture, SPMs and spare parts of hydraulics, conveyors, hydraulic cylinders, trading and services of hydraulic presses, automation systems, pipe bending machines, and power packs, broaching machines, boilers, pneumatics and hydro pneumatics along with other spare parts that are allied or/and related to the hydro and other machines.