Vijayanagar | Business Directory | The Company Check
Looking for local businesses in Vijayanagar? Check out The Company Check directory for the latest listings. Page 1-50 has it all.
Total Company: 12
Location Vijayanagar, Karnataka, India
Tanmay Hospital Private Limited is engaged in the business of operating hospitals.
Location Vijayanagar, Karnataka, India
Healthcare Non-Profit Organizations
Surabhi Mysore Healthcare & Research Private Limited is engaged in the business of providing hospital activities.
Location Vijayanagar, Karnataka, India
Vaayu International Forex Services Private Limited is engaged in the business of money changing activity authorized by Reserve Bank of India.
Location Vijayanagar, Karnataka, India
Agriculture Food And Beverages
Mas Sustainable Coffee Producer Company Limited is engaged in the business of producing coffee.
Location Vijayanagar, Karnataka, India
Untouchband Technologies Private Limited is engaged in the business of information technology (including hardware & software), and manage online shopping websites, data management and provide IT support services, create, mobile applications, portals, product development, e-commerce marketplaces, IT consultancy, cloud services, operate, and to own, and create a virtual shopping mall with an online catalog.