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Total Company: 13206
Location Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India
Musical Instruments Manufacturing Other Industry Jewelry & Fashion Accessories
Zaverat Jewels Hub Private Limited is engaged in the business as buyers, stockiest, including diamonds, pearls and gems, distributors, importers, articles and jewelries made of or containing gold, platinum or any other precious or semi-precious metals, pearls, nature and descriptions of precious and semi-precious metals including gold, types, semiprecious or imitation stones, kinds, diamonds, silver and platinum, agents, exporters, whether or not worked or sewer into any wearing apparel and whether or not set in any furniture, semi-precious and imitation stones, dealers in all classes, manufacturers representatives, suppliers, silver, precious, factors, gems or any other precious, sellers, ornaments, utensil or other article.
Location New Delhi, Delhi, India
Trading Manufacturing Jewelry & Fashion Accessories
Kr Jewelcraft Private Limited is engaged in the business of manufacturing jewelry services.
Location Ambala City, Haryana, India
Trading Manufacturing Jewelry & Fashion Accessories
Chhabra Sons Jewellers Private Limited is engaged in the retail sale of jewellery.
Location Mazgaon, Maharashtra, India
Musical Instruments Manufacturing Jewelry & Fashion Accessories
Shanti Hallmarking Centre Private Limited is engaged in jewelry manufacturing services.
Location Girgaon, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Manufacturing Other Industry Jewelry & Fashion Accessories
Atharv Star India Private Limited is engaged in the business to manufacture, broker, cut, adatias, grind, buy, coral, finish, cat's eye stone, C & F agents, retailer or otherwise to deal in all shapes, jade, sales promoter, cut, wholesaler, topaz, stockiest, import, process, supplier, applications and designs of rough, set, malachite, valuer, opal, grade, merchants, aquamarine, export house, resale, sizes, design, description, spinel ruby, tourmaline, polished or processed, examine, distributor, prepare, zircon, indentor, provider, corundum, pearls, alexendrite, turquoise, liasioner, citrine, uncut, natural and manmade precious semiprecious and natural stones such as diamonds, agate, produce, smoky quartz, peidot, ruby, export, demonstrate, representative, sell, blue sapphires, specifications, polish, display, exchange, gemstones, amethyst, commercialize, market and to act as agent, assort, garnet, varieties, raw, lapis lazuli.
Location Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
Trading Manufacturing Jewelry & Fashion Accessories
Aum Alankar Gem Palace Private Limited was earlier known as Premium Suppliers Private Limited, The company is engaged in the business of trading jewelry.
Location Delhi, Delhi, India
Musical Instruments Manufacturing Jewelry & Fashion Accessories Home Appliances
Gulab Moulds Manufacturing Company Private Limited is engaged in manufacturing of silver articles (silver Jesus statue, silver dish shape border tray, silver fruit basket, silver utensils (silver special dinner set, microne silver Jesus statue), silver engraving work nakhshi tray) and silver products (silver kachola, silver cutlery set, silver glass).
Location Ludhiana, Punjab, India
Trading Manufacturing Other Industry Home Decor Hospitality & Wellness Construction Material
Bii Furnishers India Limited is engaged in the business to deal in sanitation materials, bath accessories, furniture and fixtures and undertake contracts for interior decoration and in particulars.
Location Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India
Wood Manufacturing Other Industry
Parshwa Furniture Private Limited is engaged in offering seating systems for Parshwa Furniture Private Limited environment, residence, or commercial places.
Location Hazaribag, Jharkhand, India
Agriculture Manufacturing Other Industry Home Decor Animal Husbandry
Multiple Layer Private Limited is engaged in the business of providing farm animal husbandry services.
Location Delhi, Delhi, India
Trading Manufacturing Jewelry & Fashion Accessories
Be Gold Private Limited is engaged in the business to purchase, sell, or otherwise deal in all types of jewelry.