Jammu And Kashmir | Business Directory | The Company Check
Looking for local businesses in Jammu And Kashmir? Check out The Company Check directory for the latest listings. Page 1501-1550 has it all.
Total Company: 5773
Location Jammu, Jammu And Kashmir, India
Food And Beverages Electrical Manufacture Of Electrical Machinery And Apparatus N E C
Punjab Milk Food Co. Private Limited is engaged in the business as manufacturers, cream, and dealers in milk, condensed milk, producers, and processors, infant foods, milk foods, butter, milk powder, cheese, and milk preparations of all kinds.
Location Reasi, Jammu And Kashmir, India
Reasi Vegetable Producer Company Limited is engaged in the business of providing services for agricultural production.
Location Jammu, Jammu And Kashmir, India
Jk Medicity Hospital Private Limited is engaged in hospital and medical care activities.
Location Jammu And Kashmir, Jammu And Kashmir, India
Plastics Home Appliances Wood Home Decor
Anand Coir Foam Jammu Private Limited is engaged in the business of manufacturing, exporting and supplying of an assortment of home furnishings.
Location Jammu And Kashmir, Jammu And Kashmir, India
Tourism And Accommodation Real Estate
Ranvijay Royal Retreats Private Limited is engaged in the business of letting out of banquet hall.
Location Srinagar, Jammu And Kashmir, India
Hospitality & Wellness Tourism And Accommodation
Royal Kashmir Heritage Resorts Private Limited is engaged in the business of providing hotel and resort services.
Location Jammu And Kashmir, Jammu And Kashmir, India
Take One Television And Technologies Private Limited is engaged in the business running TV channels, studios, audio recording center, making of video vans or like item fitted with electronic equipment and to do business of cine film productions, setting up and running of video studios, film production centers, run and maintain theaters, production and distribution houses and such other things as are necessary and incidental to the business of television and film network.
Location Jammu, Jammu And Kashmir, India
Jammu Power Distribution Company Limited is engaged in the business of distribution and generation of electricity including activities of sub-transmission, billing, distribution, trading, manufacturing or otherwise dealing in electric power, sale, generation, including the formulation of the tariff, and collection thereof.
Location Jammu, Jammu And Kashmir, India
Trikuta Power Private Limited is engaged in the business of providing investment and related activities.