Kerala | Business Directory | The Company Check
Looking for local businesses in Kerala? Check out The Company Check directory for the latest listings. Page 10601-10650 has it all.
Total Company: 61375
Location Palakkad, Kerala, India
Smartguide Edu Solutions Private Limited is engaged in the business of educational consultancy and services in India and abroad and to own establish, acquire, universities including deemed or autonomous universities, to promote and disseminate knowledge, fully equipped schools, advertise, either on its own or through franchisee, maintain, manage, run, educational institutes, create awareness and provide a common form of interaction amongst academicians, develop, colleges, operate, professional and government agencies.
Location Calicut, Kerala, India
Home Appliances Jewelry & Fashion Accessories
Malabar Jewels Fort Private Limited is engaged in the business of trading, diamonds, supplying, silver, exporting or otherwise dealing in all kinds of gold, importing, gold ornaments, bullions, precious stones and materials other jewelry ornaments through exclusive dealership and or franchisee of Malabar Gold and Diamonds, platinum, retailing, a single branded jewelry retailer and other related activities.
Location Thrissur, Kerala, India
Hospitality & Wellness Tourism And Accommodation
Ubo Hotels And Resorts Private Limited is engaged in the business of hotels, restaurants, cafes, motels, holiday camps, resorts, lodging or apartment house.
Location Ernakulam, Kerala, India
Business Services Information Technology
Yamzen Consulting Llp is engaged in the business of providing consulting services for organizations by various modes including the use of IT and its applications.
Location Trichur, Kerala, India
Printing & Publishing Broadcasting
Kayceekeyar Print And Visual Media Private Limited is engaged in the business as printers and publishers of newspapers, publishers, journals, newsletters or otherwise and that of advertisers, magazines, exhibitors or otherwise and to engage in any visual or other media of mass communication.