Kerala | Business Directory | The Company Check
Looking for local businesses in Kerala? Check out The Company Check directory for the latest listings. Page 13601-13650 has it all.
Total Company: 61375
Location Thrissur, Kerala, India
Trading Home Appliances Food And Beverages Real Estate
El Shadai Business Enterprises Private Limited is engaged in the business of rental/ leasing service involving own or leased non residential property.
Location Kannur, Kerala, India
Service Software Information Technology
Digicare Solutions Private Limited is engaged in the business of providing piped natural gas connection, steel/PE/GI/ CU installation, gas pipeline laying and associated facilities, and gas project infrastructure and facilities for domestic/commercial/industrial connection.
Location Thalayolaparambu, Kerala, India
Marshal Quarries And Granites Private Limited is engaged in the business of manufacturing and supplying gas products.
Location Calicut, Kerala, India
Arwag International Private Limited was earlier known as Malabar Trade And Convention Centre Private Limited, it was formed to operate the business to construct, convention centers, establish and manage non-residential building complexes in the nature of trade centers, or exhibition centers for the purpose of organizing and hosting trade shows, develop, exhibitions and many more.
Location Chalakudy, Kerala, India
Palace Hospital Private Limited is engaged in the business to establish and run specialty or multi-specialty hospitals, sell and import drugs, medicines, materials, other pharmaceutical and biological preparations, bacteriological preparations, machinery, buy, plants, specialty health care centers and treatment centers and to develop, trauma centers, equipment and other articles requires for attainment of object of the company and to do research and development in all the field of medical treatment and drugs.
Location Kannur, Kerala, India
Tely Medical Centre Ltd is engaged in the business of providing medical and health care services.
Location Calicut, Kerala, India
Trading Home Appliances Jewelry & Fashion Accessories
Malabar Royal Designs (Hyderabad) Private Limited is engaged in the business as dealers in gold, diamond, jewelry, pearls and other allied items.
Location Kollam, Kerala, India
Dr. Rajeev Healthcare And Research Private Limited is engaged in the business of providing human health services.